Meet one of the millions of white, employed Southerners who are most likely to lose health insurance if the Supreme Court strikes down the part of Obamacare that provides financial help to customers buying on the federal exchange. She's Erin Meredith, a 37-year-old fifth generation Republican in Texas, who was opposed to Obamacare as just another government handout, she told The Washington Post. Then she got divorced and lost her health insurance. Her job doesn't offer insurance. She was also diagnosed with a rare blood disorder that was leaving her with headaches and fatigue and potentially life-crippling medical bills. At a friend's urging, she checked out For $89 a month, she has coverage.
Now that she has coverage, she doesn't want to lose it. "I can still feed my kids and put gas in my car," she said. "I'm not trying to go to Cancun or carry a Michael Kors bag. I drive a 2009 Mazda, and I'm just trying to make it in my little apartment and not be on government assistance."
She has an important question of her state's political leadership in the event the Supreme Court rules against her.
"If they're not going to participate in Obamacare and I'm not going to have these financial benefits, which will force me to pay $220 a month for coverage, do you know if Greg Abbott, our governor, has any plan to offer something comparable?" Meredith asked in an e-mail. "I understand and support his efforts to put Washington back in its place. I just don't want that to come at the cost of hard-working Texans and their ability to maintain medical coverage."
finally they are waking up and at least seeing the damage those they vote for is going to do to them too. i noticed she did not mention bills, a roof, clothing for kids and food on the table all these things are affected by what the republicans are planning she says she still supports him i find that a bit like shooting herself in the foot and loving it. this is what keeps them emboldened that they can screw you and your family and you'll still show them the love that sounds like Stockholm syndrome.
voting a color does not always guarantee you get what you need because it's obvious some don't know what they need because it they listen and payed attention to their politicians they would make no connection with what they say they will do for them and what they actually do, only promises kept were those to try and make Pres. fail at your expense.
try and think of one thing the republicans did in the last 6 years that made your life better, some say they are not better off than they were 6 years ago that is not the Pres.'s fault it's those you vote for they think to block the Pres. is that what you voted for if so look at all you could have lost if Pres. had not been about his job of doing the peoples business. now look at what you stand to lose at the hands of those who would take it from you.
try and think of one thing the republicans did in the last 6 years that made your life better, some say they are not better off than they were 6 years ago that is not the Pres.'s fault it's those you vote for they think to block the Pres. is that what you voted for if so look at all you could have lost if Pres. had not been about his job of doing the peoples business. now look at what you stand to lose at the hands of those who would take it from you.