Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Obama 'Ends Recession' With New Jobs Report …And No, McConnell - GOP Can't Take Credit


Friday brought mighty good news to all Americans, with special kudos to Democrats, and the Obama administration. The new job report claims employers have added a plethora of jobs. And wages have increased to a six year high. Here are some of the figures reported by AP Economics Writer Christopher S. Rugaber in the The Boston Globe.
 In January, 257,000 jobs were added.
In December, 329,000 jobs were added.
In November 423,000 jobs were added. (the most in 17 years)
At the start of the year, 20 states raised their minimum wages, a trend that might have contributed to January’s sharp overall pay gain. Some large companies, including Aetna and the Gap, have also announced wage increases for their lowest-paid employees.
The only downside to Friday's report, is the unemployment rate rose slightly from 5.6 percent to 5.7 percent. But that occurred for a good reason says Rugaber:
More than 1 million Americans — the most since January 2000 — began looking for jobs, though not all of them found work, and their numbers swelled the number of people counted as unemployed. The influx of job hunters suggested that Americans have grown more confident about their prospects.
Jobs Added By Sectors:
Construction firms added 39,000 jobs
Manufacturers added 22,000 jobs
Retail added 46,000 jobs
Hotels and Restaurants added 37,100, jobs
Health Care added 38,000 jobs

you know it does a body good to look back than look at the now and see how hard republicans tried to mislead us with misinformation contrived potential drama laden outcomes that never came close to materializing.  it will indeed be interesting to see how they try to spin this to create fictitious credit for themselves the only credit they deserve is not doing anything to help clean up their mess by doing nothing they unleashed the Executive order Pres. and in-spite of their non participation look at what he was able to get done showing how really unnecessary the republican party really is, they need to pass a bill to cut them out of gov't if they really cared about America and Americans.