Courtesy of Dana Milbank. We now have new Bushisms. Terrifyingly enough, we could have Jeb Bush as president. He could possibly be more stupid than his clueless brother GW Bush 43.
Sorry if this was already discussed. I need to save for myself for posterity.
My favorites are...
A top priority, he explained, is “reforming a broken immigration system and turning it into an economic — catalytic converter for sustained economic growth.”
It's hard to use big words like "catalyst".... and it's hard....“to put food on your family.”
This speech was clearly a catalytic converter ... er catalyst... for yet another Bush family candidacy, that is if you subscribe to child-like, Palinesque level of discourse in your world leaders.
No wonder Barbara Bush was so embarassed for Jeb to run.
The rest of the world may ask: is America so backward that we elect dipshits like dumb and dumber to run the United States of America? Grown men who can hardly speak?! Clearly, based on GWB 43, the answer is yes. We got torture, mass war, and economic collapse from these GOP clowns.
“I don’t know what the effect has been, because, you know, it’s really kind of hard to be out on the road, and I’m just a gladiator these days, so I don’t follow every little detail.”okay i have to stop this is beyond Palinesque, dumb and dumber 2 and Monte Python i was sold on the fact of Jeb being as cuckoo as 43 when he keeps saying how proud he is of him and calls the Iraqi surge the most heroic thing he's ever seen it was an adjustment of wrong assessment of a war that was started on the fly and not for why we were told and it help lead to the recession and the deaths of thousands before by ignoring threat and after by starting the wars, and he's proud of him????
“As we grow our presence by growing our ability to produce oil and gas,” Bush went on, “we also make it possible to lessen the dependency that Russia now has on top of Europe.”
if he was nervous he should have had many years of talking to reporters and in public so it only leaves the question of who's the stupidest him or GW? notice who is off to the right amused by the amuser's.