Rep. Paul Ryan, who is supposedly working feverishly on a replacement plan, confirmed Friday that the subsidies will not be fixed, and that the Republican intent is to give states more freedom "to get out of Obamacare." In other words, states will be able to wash their hands of Obamacare totally, just like they did with Medicaid expansion. Which Cannon says is the likeliest outcome as well, if he wins this case.
Now, Cannon's job is convincing five Supreme Court justices of his idea that there will be cheaper health insurance when they "get rid of those subsidies and mandates so that the law is not making health insurance so expensive for the majority of these folks in anymore." No, there's no logic there so don't even try to figure it out. Remember that the suit is premised on the idea that people are forced to buy insurance that is expensive because the government is forcing money on them to pay for it. If you take away the free money then you take away the mandate and all of the sudden insurance is cheaper, Cannon is arguing.
Never mind that every health economist argues the opposite, as does reality, unless you make the leap that all of the obligations of health insurance companies are also repealed. If health insurers are still required to take all customers—including the really sick, expensive ones—and they are losing healthy people who can't afford to pay premiums without the subsidies, then premiums are going to skyrocket. That scenario could only be avoided with legislative repeal of the whole law, which is not happening, but which would also throw us back into the pre-Obamacare days of very high uninsured rates.
That's an awful lot for a Supreme Court justice to swallow, knowing that the likeliest outcome of his ruling for Cannon's clients is returning to the totally broken healthcare system we had before the law. Worse, it means taking health insurance away from millions of people who are probably pretty damned happy to finally have it.they have no plan they have the antiquated Lyin' Ryan voucher change a couple of words and viola' the new republican excuse for ripping healthcare from millions with a smile on their faces take a look at this video it's prevention of republican lies being believed. as far as a lot for scotus to swallow if they on the right wing side of the court can do the things they have already done that disparage American citizens with one sided decisions that only benefit rich and republican politics it would not be hard for them to stab American citizens in the back again