I can understand why Republicans in the Arizona legislature would want to pass a bill like SB 1435. Here's the crucial change that the bill makes to the old language about open meetings:
"Meeting" means the gathering, in person or through technological devices, of a quorum of members of a public body at which they discuss, propose or take legal action, including any deliberations by a quorum with respect to such action IS TAKEN.
Got that? To be in compliance with the state's open meeting law, they've simply changed the definition of "meeting." No longer does it mean legislative committee hearings, school board meetings, or other public agency sessions where ideas, bills, budgets, and laws are debated and discussed – and where the public can speak. Now it only means those occasions where "action is taken." Goodie, we get to watch them vote.
They're not only denying the public the right to witness the deliberations of people we pay to make laws, they're denying the public a voice in the matter. If they limit the public only to meetings where elected officials take action, it's too late
Sen. Allen sits on several environmental committees and the education committee. Gulp. This year she's the sponsor of a bill that requires students to pass a civics test before they can graduate. Science is not on the test. If it were, our students would know that the stuff she wants to mine here, uranium, is the same stuff that tells us the earth is a bit older than 6,000 years.
Last week Gov. Doug Ducey said he was going to eliminate the visitor log from the Governor's Office, so we wouldn't really know who he met with as our chief executive (a decision he quickly reversed). Then the GOP decided to close Republican Caucus meetings to the public, and now Ducey's party wants to bypass open meeting laws.
didn't Beohner try to accuse Pres. and Dems of having closed door secret meetings again accuse them of what they do. again the audacity of arrogance they beg these same people they are excluding to give them money and vote for them because they are on your side, just as long as you don't get close enough to hear them horns waggling you. next vote 2016 and you'll no more than you did in 2008 and before. know whose hands you put your future in and know that you are their priority not trying to make Pres. now or next a one termer you see what that gets you so far if not for Progressive Pres. there would have been no progress.