Sunday, February 22, 2015

Hilarious Full-Page Ad in NYT Skewers Boehner

It was paid for by the NIAC, the outfit run by prominent Iranian-American author and pundit Trita Parsi. From their press release:
“The U.S. and its closest allies are on the brink of a historic deal that will both prevent an Iranian bomb and war with Iran, and Congressional hawks are orchestrating political stunts with foreign leaders to try to kill it,” said NIAC President Trita Parsi. “The American people do not want another senseless military adventure and certainly don’t consider Benjamin Netanyahu to be their commander in chief.”
The statement also reminds us of this episode: one of the most critical national security debates of our time – the decision of whether to invade Iraq – Netanyahu was brought to testify before Congress. In his remarks he advocated strongly for the war, telling lawmakers ‘if you take out Saddam’s regime, I guarantee you it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region.’
this is the very thing if Pres. were to apologize it would be wanton acts like this everytime he is in some kind of talks the republicans bad mouth him take trips to whatever country and not only embarrass themselves but the country too, they should apologize to everybody including the American people for 6 years of efforts to undermine or foreign policy then spreading lies that Pres. has no foreign policy he doesn't know how then call him those that he's negotiating with, Arab, Muslim.

what those people see is a right wing group much like themselves throwing rocks at the WH and behind doors telling them they will appease their desires to start or continue wars.  Netanyahu's only mission is to try and shame Pres. into waving the US sword for him while Beohner's objective is to make Pres. look bad.  already it is making backfire sounds like a 1940 Ford.

Beohner is just squeezing his sour grapes and is trying to do what Pres. did going around them with EO difference they refused to do anything for 6 years, Pres. has been engaged with middle east all a long actively so Beohner comes off as having a Pee Wee Herman moment, "i know you are but what am i?"