Friday, February 27, 2015

Cartoon: Quick! What's your opinion?

this IMO is representative of more than half of the republican party and quite a few Dems and the fickled electorate they don't know some are embarrassed they don't know others don't know and rely on their party talking head or the opinionated host of their favorite news show or the local news at 11pm, to explain leaving them just as confused as before, if no one explains in everyday people talk they tend to abandon and though equally confused with the other they choose them not willing to go through the self humiliation again of not having a clue.

if you don't ask somebody you will never know or it will be too late when you do and irrelevant all because we did not seek the knowledge that is out there if we look, if you are reading this you have the right tool for the job it's not there to decorate the table. recognize 2016 just round the bende.