Tuesday, February 17, 2015

As Houston Islamic Center Burns, Firefighter Posts, "Let it burn...block the fire hydrant."



On Friday morning, part of the Quba Islamic Institute in Houston went up in flames, and local firefighters spent over an hour battling the blaze before extinguishing it, saving the institute's school and mosque. The building set ablaze, which stored religious books, was completely destroyed, and came after the center's staff chased off a masked man from the premises earlier this week.

Houston officials believe the fire was set intentionally, and many are calling for this to be investigated as a hate crime. Unfortunately, the hate which likely ignited this fire wasn't just contained to the blaze, for as news of the fire spread, a retired Houston-area firefighter who still (update: no longer)volunteers for Crystal Beach Fire & Rescue posted the following:
This arson attack happened in the wake of the execution of three Muslim-Americans in Chapel Hill, a likely hate crime which has shaken a Muslim-American community already reeling from an uptick in anti-Muslim hate crimes and speech since the premier of American Sniper.
 Muslim-Americans in Houston, shaken by this attack, were already shaken not just by the Chapel Hill shooting, but by the bigoted rush of white Americans arguing that the execution of three Muslim-Americans was really just about a parking dispute. They were already shaken because they know to be true what family of the victims understand: that this wasn't about parking, but the same hatred which ignited their place of worship in Houston. They were already shaken by the brutality of the crime in Chapel Hill — leaked information indicates the three young citizens were lined up on the ground, kneeling, and shot in the back of their heads execution style. And they were already shaken knowing that, had a Muslim perpetrated this crime, it would have been proclaimed a terror attack.
 The first thing we must do to 'solve the hate' is to admit, loudly and fervently, that this hate exists. And that this hatred is perpetrated by the the dehumanization of Muslim-Americans in the media, on the screen, and in society at large.
Only then will Mosques stop burning.
you might note that immediately after 911 attacks the republicans painted the entire Islamic faith as the perpetrators.  would maybe have been thwarted had Bush not ignored the imminent threat of the son of Bush's oil partners the Bin Ladens to attack America.  that has been the standard for America to broad brush all of anything they don't like indicative of all races here do it someof us stopped when we realized we were doing it others well i guess that is the gist of this article.

holding hands walking in the park???