Friday, February 6, 2015

Anti-vaccine megachurch hit with measles epidemic, now offering free vaccinations

An outbreak of the measles at Kenneth Copeland's Texas megachurch has gotten some attention because (1) measles is something children are generally vaccinated for, these days and (2) Kenneth Copeland is, of course, an anti-vaccine crackpot. In what seems to be yet another bitterly ironic attempt by God to teach noisy religious fundamentalists what-for, the church has thus become the epicenter of a small but worrisome outbreak that has so far infected 10 and resulted in the Department of State Health Services issuing an alert spanning North Texas.
That has megachurch pastors doing a bit of fancy dancin', with Pastor Terri Pearson (Copeland's daughter) walking back their leader's anti-vaccination stance to explain to the congregation that no, God does not really want your children to contract a potentially dangerous disease that vaccinations have all but licked because duh.
"There are a lot of people that think the Bible -- we talk about walking by faith -- it leaves out things such as, I don't know, people just get strange. But when you read the Old Testament, you find that it is full of precautionary measures, and it is full of the law.
Why did the Jewish people, why did they not die out during the plague? Because the Bible told them how to be clean, told them how to disinfect, told them there was something contagious. And the interesting thing of it, it wasn't a medical doctor per se who took care of those things, it was the priesthood…."
See there? Even back in the before-times, people were smart enough to know that if you could do a very simple thing in order to Not Die, you probably ought to do that thing and not just trust that all of God's various plagues and viruses had built-in piety detectors that would run away when they got a taste of the likes of religious you.
these mega church leaders are really smelling themselves to give advise that they in all likelihood would not follow if it were them facing death and all that was between them was a pill or two.  you have to consider if God is the creator why allow us to create something that is good i don't believe he/she is out for kudo counts.  while not in the Bible "God helps those who help themselves", is inspirational and prompts one to do as much as God has allowed them and when you can't go any further he/she is always there.

i really don't think medicines are evil i think they are gifts from the ability to think that is a God given right to our creation, to assume otherwise to me is presumptuously dangerous and arrogant as it assumes that is Gods plan to let you die when he has provided the knowledge to prevent it.