Tuesday, February 3, 2015

8 Brave Souls Crash U.S. Supreme Court To Protest The Koch-Loved 'Citizens United' (VIDEO)


In the midst of President Obama's State Of The Union Address, and the following day of House Speaker Boehner breaking government protocol and endangering crucial Iranian arms negotiations, something great happened at the U.S. Supreme Court.
On the anniversary of the SCOTUS's decision to vote in favor of Citizens United, eight protestors managed their way into making a First Amendment scene inside the Supreme Courtroom. The courageous eight began voicing their discontent with phrases that included:
"One person, one vote!"
"We are the 99 percent!"
"Money is not speech!"
"Overturn Citizens United!"
"We did this act of nonviolent civil disobedience to send two messages. First, to the Supreme Court justices whose Citizens United ruling betrayed democracy - and every government leader who enables corruption - that they face a determined and growing resistance. And second, to the American people who want a government that represents not just the 1%, but all of us, that there is hope for change and it is time to stand up and demand it."
Citizens United (a misleading name, which should be called GRCU1% 'Greedy Rich & Corrupt United 1%) is a constitutional amendment that allows GRCU1% (like the Koch brothers) to essentially buy government elections, lawmakers, and laws - ultimately at the expense and detriment to the American people (the 99%). The amendment has been protested ever since its inception five years ago, and all protests have been ignored by the five Right Wing Supreme Court justices who pretty much own the highest court in the nation. Those Conservative justices who have majority are John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and Anthony Kennedy.  
Our Constitution has been interpreted for a century to protect the freedom of the press to publish as well as recognize people's freedom of speech, while at the same time permitting common sense limitations upon electoral activity so that our government represents the citizens of the country. The Founding Fathers would outright reject the notion that bribing politicians and corrupting our government is a form of free speech, and they would consider that claim an insult to both the freedom of speech enshrined in the First Amendment and the right to self-government enshrined in the United States Constitution.
it would seem we are in an quagmire of republican anarchy all the ruling factions from the house both sides to the supreme court are solely in favor of the republican agenda.  they vote in their favor the deny us or rights to votes to insure they keep it that way.  one of their 2016 hopefuls the token wannabe this time was wrong about saying that ObamaCares is worst thing since slavery, what is worst is the republican right wing intrusion and occupying of American citizens lives exclusively for advancement of the rich oligarchy that run the country, thank God Pres. is able to be the obstructionist of the obstructors if not for him what may lie ahead would have been here and devastated us already not comparing him tpo Jesus but the circumstance we turned our backs ion him and now we have hell of a different kind to pay.