First gay couple in Florida to legally wed. A Sheriff's deputy (in uniform) to a former Marine.
On this blessed day, allow me to be the first to say: In your fat FACE Pam Bondi!
Congratulations are in order:
Detective David Currie, 50, and his now-husband Aaron Woodard, 33, tied the knot shortly after midnight on Tuesday, when the state legalized gay marriage.
And after requesting permission from his superiors, Currie walked down the registry aisle with full support of the Broward County Sheriff's to wed in uniform.
Does this disgust you, wingnut? Don't you support our cops/troops?? Why do you hate police officers??
Kudos to Scott Israel, Broward County Sheriff, for saying it was a "great thing" that the detective was proud enough of his agency to want to marry in his uniform.
We have finally turned a corner in this state. We went from rampant homophobia (perfectly encapsulated by former governor Jeb Bush's rant comparing gays to pedophiles and drunk drivers) to now seeing statewide support for marriage equality.
whoa, guess Jeb Bush did not foresee the future running away from that type of bigotry when he made that crack wonder how many votes nationwide will that cost the republican great White hope? FLA. to me has since the 08 elections been a place to avoid not culturally friendly at all to non Whites, i wonder how that has if at all affected Disney World?
Marco Rubio and other backwards politicians are pushing Florida AG PamBo to continue to fight this already lost battle to the US Supreme Court, even though they recently shredded her last minute plea for an injunction. PamBo tried to argue that marriage was meant only for couples who planned to breed and provide "enduring family relationships".
This coming from a childless, twice-divorced adulterer who currently has a "living in sin" arrangement with her boyfriend.
Oh, and the happy couple shown here? They are foster-parent certified and plan to raise children! (Gay adoption has been legal in Florida since 2010, when then-AG Bill McCollum's leading "expert" he paid to fight it turned out to have a proclivity for hiring male hookers.)
just like the life those who oppose listed here have their rights and for all practical purposes does not harm another American neither does the newly weds but that's my opinion i really hope the cop can deal because if he stays here comes the boom many bigots in FLA. that all have 2 cents except that gets you no where today so they should keep it when the republican tide tsunami's them.