Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The outrageous and tragic hiring of officer Timothy Loehmann by the Cleveland police


Timothy Loehmann

The American public deserves better.
Before Cleveland police department officer Timothy Loehmann tragically shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice, he accumulated a record of emotional instability, disregard for training, and ineptitude for the job so severe that he should have never been hired. As you will see below, his previous supervisors in Independence, Ohio, said as much. As many as seven police departments and programs turned him down in the aftermath of his termination from Independence, but Cleveland, which claims they never checked his records, hired him. They should be held accountable for this mistake of fatal proportions.
It's nearly impossible to find a documented case of someone less qualified to have a badge and a gun than officer Timothy Loehmann. It's frightening, when reviewing the evidence, to think that he was ever hired and makes one wonder how many other times police departments have completely ignored human resource files when making hires for those expected to protect and serve us.
In 2012, Timothy Loehmann was hired by the Independence, Ohio police department. Even then, it was a mistake to hire him, but the department quickly and firmly tried to make it right. Below the fold is Timothy Loehmann's entire personnel file from the Independence police department for you to review for yourself. Important highlights have been noted below it, including their statements on his poor performance in gun training, his continued emotional instability, his willingness to lie, and their final recommendation that he be terminated and never employed as an officer again.
i have found it most egregious to the public trust not only here but the Ferguson decision to hire Darren Wilson with the record baggage he came with, these people are knowingly hiring people prone to violent acts in commission of their jobs what are they thinking that these homicidal cops will be more stern and able to combat crime especially in low income neighborhoods or are they looking for head knocking trigger happy no problem with pulling a trigger i'll do anything to maintain your idea of law enforcement as long as it agrees with mine cops?

and recent attitudes like NYC where cops appear to be threatening not to do their jobs if overboard tactics and murder of alleged suspects in custody are not on the table, did they get the idea from republican congress because the threat sounds awfully familiar all of it.

the paperwok is posted in the article, can we blame the police for their actions yes we can but does the city council or whoever hires these people carry the most blame and should they not be held accountable by those they sit over for unleashing these menace to society on them???