Yes, we've been teased with this before — from the Feds as well as local authorities — but this time it's real and moving forward.
U.S. District Judge Murray Snow ruled during a Thursday telephone conference that he will initiate a civil contempt of court proceeding against the six-term Maricopa County sheriff during a four-day mini trial in April.
At issue is the big buffoon's foot dragging. According to the Arizona Republic story, Judge Snow said "he was fed up with Arpaio's defiance of the court's orders." At the top of that list is the court's finding in 2013 that the Sheriff's "sweeps" are discriminatory — deputies goose stepping through a neighborhood or workplace, rounding up suspicious (i.e., brown) people. Based on the case brought by the ACLU, Snow ruled that the Sheriff’s Office "systematically" singled out Latinos in traffic stops and immigration patrols, which is wrong and expensive, costing millions in lawsuits.
Judge Snow, in a 59-page list of reforms, ordered Arpaio to end the discriminatory practices and stop hunting undocumented persons, because immigration is a federal responsibility, not his. The Judge also ordered Arpaio to turn over police tapes from traffic stops, and he appointed a monitor to make sure the Sheriff's Office complies with the requirements.
But soon after the order, Arpaio boasted to the media and his tea bagging supporters that he'll continue his bigoted practices, which he did. Heck, he used taxpayer dollars to appeal Judge Snow's ruling, and he launched an investigation of the authorities who prosecuted him. Harrumph!
right winger's do these kinds of things audacity of arrogance remember Bush and his boyz refusing to testify by claiming executive privilege on Valarie Plame and the CIA leaks above the law or waving the middle finger at the WH? Arpaio is the small town sheriff we used to see in the movies who was as crooked as the outline of a cloud and leading the parade of birthers and every other bigoted groups in his area, wonder if he keeps his sheet on the coat hook inhis office?
Further, Sheriff Arpaio withheld the requested videos, destroying some of the evidence, and he balked at working with the court-appointed monitor. Like Gov. Jan Brewer sticking her finger in President Obama's face, Arpaio likes nothing more than defying Obama, Holder, and the Feds in general. And his toadies eat it up. The "Obama is out to get me" BS is a big part of Arpaio's fund raising.
are the people who vote him in afraid not to or are they all birds of a feather? not all of them approve of his self assigned toughest sheriff mantra one of his deputies was shot and killed in his driveway gun cleaning accident or message. remember Bundy the freeloader on Federal land with snipers aiming and threatening agents, well his son was a little squeamish about that and went to Arpaio for protection, he lives in Phoenix, lie with them and wake up with vermin eating at you they flock together criminal types that is some contest illegally the law others protect that illegality of the law and are paid for it.