Thursday, January 22, 2015

Jon Stewart calls out Mike Huckabee’s Beyonce hypocrisy to his face

Jon Stewart caught Mike Huckabee completely off guard. Mike Huckabee went to the DailyShow to peddle his new book, "God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy." Jon Stewart set the stage when he told Huckabee he made a mistake by quitting his show to run for President.
Huckabee used that as a segue into his book. "You see that's the view of people who live in the 'bubbleville I talk about in this book," Mike Huckabee said. "The real point is that there is a clash of cultures and there is a disconnect between people who live in the bubbles of New York, Washington, and Hollywood versus the people who live in the land of the bubbas."
Jon Stewart pointed out that there is no real 'bubblevile' and 'bubbavile'. He was setting Mike Huckabee up for the Coup de grâce. Mike Huckabee used Beyonce as an example of crudeness in 'bubbleville'. He attempted to give the impression ad do many ideologues in his ilk, to give the impression of Red States purity over Blue States immorality.
Jon Stewart then played a clip with Mike Huckabee and Ted Nugent. Huckabee and Nugent were on stage playing 'Cat Scratch Fever', a song with sexual innuendos much more profound and crude than anything Beyonce had ever done.
my thought, who let the hypocrite out,  this guy is another republican fraud railing against what he does that is worse by his own standard than that which he criticizes.  it's like telling voters to vote more than once is criminal and when he tries to demean another he needs to take a stroll through his mind and see what he finds, bet you won't hear it of TV, UNLESS HE'S IN A BACKROOM WITH ROMNEY. sorry, i wonder if he forgot his jammin' with the despicable one was on video tape stupid or is it only sinful if it's Black entertainers that are no where near as reprehensible as ted nugent, the guy who didn't bathe for a month so he would be rejected from military draft during Vietnam era.  this is who Huckabee pals around with