What you post on the internet matters, it's not abstract. It reflects who you really are and what you really think. The NYPD and the FBI certainly thought this was the case when they arrested 15 people for making threats against police officers online in December. This man was arrested for an Instagram post six days ago.
They were arrested because the possibility that what they said online and how they might live offline is too dangerous to take a chance—at least for people posting threats against police officers. Apparently, though, the same logic is sometimes thrown out of the window for hate speech and threats made by police officers—as if what they say online exists in a make-believe world that in no way whatsoever reflects how they really feel about people.
Case in point, Detective Bobby Kinch of the Las Vegas police department. In 2013, Kinch, who has openly admitted and defended every word, took to his personal Facebook page to let the world know how he really felt. Including pictures of himself pointing his gun at plates with the face of President Obama, Kinch posted the following message, "Let’s just get this over! Race war, Civil, Revolution? Bring it! I’m about as fed up as a man (American, Christian, White, Heterosexual) can get!"
The acting sergeant suspended Kinch right? Or fired him? Was he jailed for making threats against the president? Nah. None of that. According to the Las Vegas Sun, Kinch's supervisor just asked him to delete the posts. The thing is, though, Kinch's fellow detectives, white and black, were so disturbed that they took their own screenshots and continued to press the case.
i remember back in the day if you uttered a single syllable against the then White Presidents secret serv. was on you like a lion on a pork chop usually with in minutes it could be a joke or just talking smack no matter it was taken seriously and dealt with expediently but every since Pres. was elected there has been unprecedented threats and the most inept handling by those whose only job is to protect him and his family why look back at other Pres.'s and see if you can spot a glaring difference and the lack of security.
there have been other breaches of the WH seems like the SS would have beefed up their security protocols after so many, but it appears to the average American they are mailing it in with low priority.
Kinch wouldn't back down though. He made it clear to his fellow officers that he actually meant what he said. To this very day, Kinch, speaking to the Las Vegas Sun, stands by his comments and suggests he deserves some extra protection BECAUSE he's a police officer:
Kinch said he doesn’t feel his comments were a mistake. He does regret not providing proper context, he said.And to those who assume he’s a racist?
“That’s pretty retarded,” he said.
Kinch allowed that private citizens likely would be fired for writing the same things he did on Facebook.
“If somebody took that out of context, they might,” Kinch said. “I know another thing about life and especially about Metro. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”
Finally, Kinch was suspended by an African-American lieutenant, Clint Nichols, and an investigation began. Yesterday, after nearly a year, it was announced that the investigation was over, and Detective Kinch was allowed to go back to investigating cases with no true consequence.
Not only that, but, according to the Las Vegas Sun, in a sick twist, in a tactic not known to the general public, he's primarily in charge of investigating African Americans:
this is the same with murderous police kill get a paid vacation back to work was it the Black Lt. responsible for his new assignment if so what was he trying to say, suppose the guy was intending to hurt Pres. and got the now a days walk of shamelessness able to plan another day. it's a good thing God his protecting him and his family because those charged with that task are miserable failures, would like to know their backgrounds, just sayin.Metro’s robbery section, in a tactic that’s apparently common in police departments nationwide, assigns cases by a suspect’s race. Some detectives investigate primarily white, Hispanic, Asian or black suspects.Police say it’s easier for officers studying faces to recognize facial features from one ethnic group.Kinch, according to sources, although still on desk duty, was assigned primarily to investigate minority suspects.
the stamp response to those who speak their mind and get busted "sorry it was taken out of context, and sorry if i offended anyone", yes they offended many and they knew it as the first word parted their lips, sorry is a sorry word and in cases like this should not be excepted as exoneration. remember the house whip third in line to presidency Steve Scalise and his claim not to know who David Duke was while speaking at a White supremacist group also he's never done it again, really?