Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Conservative Catholics working selves into a lather over Pope's upcoming environmental declarations

Pope Francis celebrates the Vespri mass at the Vatican November 30, 2013. .REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi

We call people like this "cafeteria Catholics," and they should be very ashamed of themselves and probably prominent church officials need to start threatening to withhold Communion from them if they don't immediately reverse their stance:
Conservative distrust of Pope Francis, which has been building in the U.S. throughout his pontificate, is reaching a boiling point over his plan to urge action on climate change — and to do so through a document traditionally used for the most important papal teachings.
For months, Francis has been drafting an encyclical on the environment and global warming which he hopes to release by June or July. Encyclicals are written with the help of a small group of advisers working under strict secrecy.
... and are considered a Very Big Deal. It seems the new Pope is not on board with the Drill, Baby, Drill theory of God's plan for the planet, and if you think the same publicly devout followers of the faith that have stapled themselves to the Church's edicts on abortion and contraception are going to put up with any environmental stance short of what the good people of ExxonMobil have paid for, good luck with that. Those other rules apply to the womenfolk and are thus, of course, reasonable and inviolate, but these new rules may affect our holy smokestacks:
Even before these remarks, several conservative U.S. commentators had been pre-emptively attacking the encyclical. At Investor’s Business Daily, Forbes and, writers had accused the pope of adopting a radical environmental agenda.
“Pope Francis — and I say this as a Catholic — is a complete disaster when it comes to his public policy pronouncements,” wrote Steve Moore, chief economist of The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.
looks like there's buyer's remorse among those who would sell our gov't and those that would buy it for the purpose of raping and pillaging Mother Earth just to line their own pockets, bet the all have revamped fallout shelters designed to protect against global warming while denying it and influencing the gullible that they don't need one.  so what do they do do they revolt and recall the Pope that sounds more like something they are kicking around the table, but they run the risk of the millions who believe and follow Pope Frankie and that translates into votes.  boycotts are out who wants to boycott their salvation, they can try to frame him with their patented elephant dung, or they can straighten up and fly right, no pun intended.

you know it comes down to who they choose to beliieve lying republicans or the Pope