President Obama’s seeming disaffection about the election results was so obvious that Fox News Ed Henry’s questions became a bit contentious. "I haven’t heard you say a specific thing during this news conference that you would do differently," Ed Henry said. "You’ve been asked it a few different ways. I understand you’re going to reach out. You’ve talked about doing that before. It’s almost like you are doubling down on the same policies and approach you’ve had for six years. So my question is, why not pull a page from the Clinton playbook and admit you have to make a much more dramatic shift in course these last two years?"
In other words, Ed Henry and his ilk are asking the president to capitulate to the Republicans. He brought up President Clinton as if Clinton was a model to follow. One should remember that Clinton’s capitulation—or maybe chameleonic triangulation—effected the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, a repeal hat was partially responsible for the 2008 financial collapse.
The president reminded the reporters that he does not have to worry about elections anymore. "My number one goal ... 'cause I am not running again. I am not on the ballot," President Obama said. "I don’t have any further political aspirations. My number one goal is just to deliver as much as I can for the American people in these last two years. And wherever I see an opportunity no matter how large or how small to make it a little easier for a kid to go to college, make it a little more likely someone is finding a good paying job, make it a little more likely that somebody has high quality health care, even if I am not getting a whole loaf. I am interested in getting whatever legislation we can get passed that adds up to improved prospects and an improved future for the American people."
It was as if the president felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. He no longer has to cater his actions to a timid Democratic Party that Howard Dean described as afraid and not standing for something. He no longer has to accept compromises to placate Blue Dogs, since they are mostly gone and his party now controls neither legislative body.
Well, the president allowed his inner bold to come out this week. He negotiated a climate deal with China. He came out strongly in favor of net neutrality for the first time. It is reported that he will be going bold with an immigration executive order. The president’s spokespeople gave the impression that he would veto any fast-track legislation on the Keystone XL pipeline. In fact, as he traveled Asia he came out with a rather strong statement on the proposed pipeline, telling the truth most progressives know and the media fail to report. The Keystone XL pipeline will create few U.S. jobs and will do little to bring Canadian oil to the U.S. The goal of pipeline proponents is to use U.S. land and the Gulf of Mexico as a conduit for dirty oil headed to the export markets. This does not help most Americans, but it enriches a select few at all our expense.
these are statements and actions of someone who honors the office and respects the oath to protect and serve the people not the shallow lies that recent history shows republican politicians as those who do not respect oath of office or the American electorate. I've said it before America does not deserve President Barack Hussein Obama and as history repeats itself representing the republican concern for corporation people rather than those of us with a pulse people will know the truth regardless to what republicans pressure history book writers to lie about the truth will come through I just hope it will happen while he and the First Lady can see and appreciate it.