Thursday, November 20, 2014

humbled me

morning my friends, i wasn't sure if i should share this with you but you have been here and deserve the candor as i've always given you.  yesterday i had an appt at VA follow up with one of my clinics, during which time they said i was breathing hard and my heartbeat was really fast that to me was not so unusual but i had noticed last couple of weeks a different sound when i wheeze they sent me immediately to the ER that was at 10:30 am  at 4pm they sent me for a cat scan thinking i might have a blood clot they said cancer which i already have been diagnosed with 5 months ago on right lung can produce blood clots they would not let me go home.

the results of the cat scan revealed there was no blood clot but it also revealed another carcinogen on the upper lobe of the same lung.  i already had an pet scan scheduled for he 26th of Nov. the day before my 66th birthday and Thanksgiving.  they said that another biopsy will be necessary to determine what it is malignant or benign.

i would like to ask those who would to say a prayer for me i'll keep you informed after pet scan thank you for hanging in here with me and i will always appreciate you, God Bless

i will post a little later  btw i came home last night