The newest entry in the Republican campaign to insult women voters comes from the College Republican National Committee, and boy is this one ever successful. If the goal is insulting women, specifically young women in this case. Where a previous Republican ad described Barack Obama as a bad boyfriend, the new series of ads is a take-off on the wedding reality show Say Yes to the Dress—but, in a super-clever twist, the dresses represent gubernatorial candidates.
The College Republicans are very serious about these ads, launching a nearly $1 million digital campaign around them. To repeat: The College Republican Republican National Committee is spending nearly ONE MILLION DOLLARS to run ads in which a young woman gushes about one wedding dress named after a Republican gubernatorial candidate, "the Tom Corbett is perfect. Tom Corbett is becoming a trusted brand. He has new ideas that don't break your budget," then is pressured by her mother to go with the more expensive, less fashionable dress that doesn't fit her, named of course after a Democratic candidate.
All these ads have to say about Pennsylvania's Corbett, Michigan's Rick Snyder, or the other Republicans touted is that they have "new ideas that don't break your budget." That's it. But:
“How do you reach the generation that has their earbuds in and their minds turned off to traditional advertising?” [CRNC chair Alex Smith] said. “It’s our goal to start the conversation by presenting ourselves in a culturally relevant way.”
And wedding dress shopping—or at least reality shows about it—is totally culturally relevant to young women, right? What better way to open a conversation about who will run their state governments! Weddings are all girls care about, after all. Everyone knows that, and the girls will surely appreciate being portrayed as savvy wedding-gown-governor shoppers who only need to see a dress that fits and be told that Republicans have new ideas that don't break your budget.cultural appeal they are lying, hater, bigot, racist, chauvinist pigs if I might borrow from the 70's nothing desirably cultural about that, this just goes to show they can say they don't need to change "VALUES" now known as "PRINCIPLES" and each time out to the mike the "how we really feel about women" keeps shinning through. changing a word does not change intent or ideology they are what they are as soon as all women understand they have no friends on that side of the street the better things will get without their support and the rest of us demeaned by them they can't impose their will on us, vote like you mean for your roar to be heard Nov. 4th make liars out of pollsters for your own good. remember each and every republican hate ad has an underlying truth not stated in the ad.