Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Kochs: the greatest American criminals of the last century

I am not fan of the Koch brothers but I have to admit that this article in Rolling Stone floored me.  It is stunning what Charles and David Koch have done over the last half century, stealing from everybody who had a dime in their pocket, including their own family.  I have tried to think of a criminal enterprise that has engaged in such disreputable behavior and even the famed vampire squids seem to pale in comparison.  They are evil incarnate.  There is no way to identify with who these two men are, what they have let themselves become.  They seem to have absolutely no redeeming values.
I begin to think letting these men buy our government is like letting the Sopranos buy our government.  Except even a thug like Tony Soprano had some redeeming values - he protected his neighborhood, he protected his family.  Not so the Koch brothers.  They care about their money and nothing else.  You could not sell a script about what the Kochs have done because you need to have something that the audience can feel a connections for.  There is nothing in the world of Charles and David Koch.  They are moral cretins beyond the breadth or our imagination.
This article should be a watershed moment.  These two men are the greatest enemies to our way of life, to our society.  Any person who takes money, who accepts support from the Kochs in any way should be confronted with what these men have done over their lifetimes.  It is not that they are trying to buy the system - it is that they have completely corrupted the system for their own purposes.  Even the conservatives should know this.  They are not conservatives, they just use the ideology as a shell, the activists as useful idiots to fill their own pockets.

I feel anyone who attempts to buy a nation and by default the will and rights of it's people are not just all mentioned above but something we can not determine.  the republicans say PRES. has made himself a king we know from his agenda that's another lie, but what those who participate in the Koch self anointing are complicit with those who would create a kingdom they get their name calling references from their own side of the street they do it than try to sweep the dirt on PRES.'S  shoe's.

this oligarchy of rich radical White men are doing as their water carriers have said they are trying to take the country back when the picture of the Koch's et al ruling with a discriminative agenda that only profits them and their foot soldiers like WI.'s Scott Walker.  true or not the polling saying republicans are going to subjugate America with wins those voting for them know the skullduggery that they engage in but still feel it's a good vote they too are as dirty handed and anti American as those they would elect.