Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Texas GOP: Vaginas More Dangerous Than Fertilizer Plants


This antiregulatory zeal is an outgrowth of a broader Texas ideology: that government should get out of people’s lives, a deeply held belief throughout the state that touches many aspects of life here, including its gun culture, its Republican-dominated Legislature and its cowboy past and present.
Texas is one of only four states with legislatures that meet as infrequently as possible, once every two years, as required by the state’s 137-year-old Constitution. From the freewheeling days of independent oilmen known as wildcatters to the 2012 presidential race, in which President Obama lost Texas by nearly 1.3 million votes, the state’s pro-business, limited-government mantra has been a vital part of its identity.

However, even though less regulations can and have led to an explosion and deaths, as noted below...(emphasis mine)
(CNN) -- The 2013 fertilizer plant blast that killed 15 people and wounded another 226 in West, Texas, "should never have occurred," the chairman of the U.S. Chemical Safety Board said Tuesday.
The board's investigation, released a few days after the first anniversary of the explosion, indicates the incident was "preventable," Chairman Rafael Moure-Eraso said. The statement from his agency, which was given Tuesday to reporters, blamed the company that owned the fertilizer plant, government regulators and other authorities for the incident.
A lack of fire codes was repeatedly cited in the report, with investigators noting Texas didn't have a fire code and small counties are prohibited from having them.But, the chairman said, local fire departments need fire codes to "hold industrial operators accountable for safe storage and handling of chemicals."
 ...the stalwart misogynists of the Texas GOP fear non-exploding lady parts MUCH MORE. The GOP hypocrites of the Texas legislature, led by the truly myopic but smart-glasses-wearing Rick Perry, have instituted extremely harsh REGULATIONS for abortion clinics.
Well, well, well. So let's see...to recap, it is absolutely A-ok to NOT regulate dangerous buildings like FERTILIZER PLANTS, which contain explosive chemicals. Because FREEDUMB and BIDNESS. But the delicate flowers of Texas womanhood are not allowed to obtain personal and private medical care from doctors who do not have medically unnecessary hospital admitting privileges, in buildings that have NEVER exploded but need to qualify as ambulatory service providers...even though abortions, particularly the early ones, are a simple procedure.
Where the fuck are all the regulation-hating people NOW? Gee, it's okay if 15 people DIE in an explosion that should NEVER have happened. But when women want to obtain legal medical care, they rush through legislation to REGULATE those businesses?
this is the Texas they brag about the jobs the regulation freedom i have one question for Perry at what price is your bragging rights?  there is no consideration by republicans but "GET MONEY"  and as we see by any means necessary and at any cost of life and limb. Nov. 4th take your future by the longhorns and turn Texas bluer than blue for your family and you.