Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Seriously, people. This armed teacher thing really might not work out.


Non-Violence, a sculpture by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, in Malmö, Sweden.

We have had our third in-school accidental discharge by an armed teacher during the still-very young 2014-2015 school year.
A criminal justice instructor at Technology Center of DuPage in Addison accidentally discharged a handgun during class Friday afternoon, striking a file cabinet and hollow wall, officials said.
The instructor, a retired FBI agent, wasn't authorized to have the gun on school property, said Jim Thorne, the school's director.
"It's not part of the curriculum. It's nothing we knew he had," Thorne said.
Three students were watching the instructor's demonstration about 1:30 p.m. in an office adjacent to a classroom, where other students were preparing for the start of class, Thorne said.
No one was struck by the bullet, which ended up lodged in another classroom, he said.
You will recall that last month saw an armed 6th grade teacher injure herself with porcelain shrapnel as she accidentally Second Amendmented the toilet out from beneath herself in the faculty restroom, and an Idaho State University professor Second Amendmented himself in the foot during class.
Six weeks of school (counting from the week of August 25), and three teachers have already accidentally fired their handy little safety tools in school. Looking sharp, people. Looking sharp.

one a coincidence 3 starts a statistic, will LaPierre come out in defense of their ill-considered plan, no mention of training sounded more like they bought them and were playing with them at school in the presence of children they are charged to care for. a criminal justice instructor with a loaded gun giving demos in the class room was he given any training? 

no training can prepare especially a school teacher to handle face to face standoff or to pull the trigger first that is a matter of conscious and not everyone can be the first to drop the hammer. deaths can be created by this scenario you never now what motives might be for those who walk in loaded for bear or whether that teacher can remove that hat and don that of a killer.  still the rest of the school year to go so many days, so many children and adults but very little time to make that decision should the need arise.