Two weeks ago artists created a Michael Brown mural in Trenton, New Jersey on the gate to a vacant storefront - with the permission of the proper authorities. Then the police decided to get involved.
A mural was painted over Monday afternoon after Trenton police expressed concern that the painting, depicting Michael Brown, a Ferguson, Mo., teen who was fatally shot by police in August, sent the wrong message about community and police relations.

Christian Martin, TDA executive director, said after there was a double shooting in the area, police approached the TDA and asked that the image be removed. Martin said police said the painting did not promote peace in the community, especially when they are working to build a good relationship between residents and the police department.
And that's the way it is, Monday, October 20th,wonder what the residence of that neighborhood have to say about police reaching out are they reaching out for more necks, are the people not afraid for their lives when they ride through are they more willing to report crime do the police know their names other than those deemed suspects. how many Black police are on the force and what are their records are they guns for hire like in Ferguson?20141914.
IMO they don't like the idea of his face reminding everyone of what happened and what could happen, if they were really trying to reach out they would not have destroyed the Mural and tried to destroy the memory also I think they could see it as their being in agreement with the fact he was murdered by a White homicidal cop.