A week ago, Doctors Without Borders said that "World leaders are failing to address the worst ever Ebola epidemic." This week, House Republicans are saying "let us show you what failing looks like!" The Obama administration is asking for $88 million in funding to fight Ebola, but:
According to a source familiar with the negotiations, House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) agreed as of Tuesday morning to spend a total of $40 million to fight the epidemic in the 2015 spending bill. This would include $25 million for the Centers for Disease Control and $15 million for the Biological Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to ramp up production of an experimental anti-Ebola drug, the source said.I think the news and other video news outlets are failing us with all the reporting of the Ebola and hospitals failing to have info and released a man who told them he came from West Africa I have to admit I've become somewhat jaded I thought Texas hmmmm Black guy obviously no insurance send him home not saying that could not have been exactly what happened or it was but I thought that then with all press was saying was a damper to securing better control and service for those infected I remembered and again republicans trying to blame PRES. for the Ebola presence in America.
then again I remembered they also denied the money PRES. asked for to combat this, so using those facts as a bases for opinion the republican congress is and should be the blame for any future outbreaks and system failure.
Americans' fears that they themselves might contract Ebola may be overblown, but nonetheless this is an international outbreak of a lethal disease that is being met with inadequate resources. And House Republicans are pushing to keep it that way. Maybe if Ebola was something you fought by dropping bombs, they'd be more enthusiastic.
these are the potential leaders according to polls willing to allow a potential outbreak of a deadly virus just to make Pres. look bad so they can use the casualties as a 2014-16 political posturing, remember they have proudly told us they hold the purse strings and therefore solutions to a lot of America's problems. this is what their caring about you looks like in a brighter light.
sorry i forgot to add this tidbit of info, republican purse string holders also by refusal to reverse sequester law put the American science agencies NIH, CDC to suffer cuts now Ebola is thriving in a under funded health and disease agencies, thank you right wing congress. PRES approval in the 40's but their effrts to make him look bad kinda back fired, their rating according to one of their ollsters is 8%.