I don't know much about Dan Emmett other than what his bio tells me. He served in the Secret Service under both Bush administrations and he wrote a book about it. Oh, and his neocon mind has careened off the track like a rusted-out carnival ride.
Last Friday, The Washington Post provided a vehicle for him to rip the Secret Service from stem to sternum over the recent fence jumper at the White House. In it, he paints a dire warning of imminent annihilation. Naturally his solution is to bring in Allen West to save the day. Yes, thatAllen West. The Wild, Wild West.
Pierson should be replaced and the next director should come from outside the Secret Service, with the deputy director remaining an agent. In this role, a true leader, not a bureaucrat, is needed. Someone like Florida congressman and retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. Allen West would be perfect for the role. West has successfully demonstrated that he possesses the leadership skills of a combat officer as well as managerial and diplomatic skills of a congressman, exactly the traits needed in the next director. Highly competent and beholden to no one in the Secret Service, he would be a superb director.
okay i just recently posted about the colonel his disgraceful token butt has been kicked out of everything he was involved with even the tea people rejected him and they hate everything he does, not a good thing to be on your resume', this goes to show right wing wants harm to come to the PRES. if they want him anywhere near him, did the republicans buy off the present SS? JUST ASKING.