Monday, October 6, 2014

Gay Teen Hospitalized, Then Charged With Assault After Being Bullied/Beaten By Four Classmates

Bullying is still a big issue and concern in our schools. It may have gotten a bit better after the (Dan Savage) "It Gets Better" campaign and many schools instituting strict no bullying rules and procedures, but it's still a problem. And, this case (of bullying) in Virginia is an example.
A gay Virginia teenager has been hospitalized after being bullied and then beaten by four other teens. He's been in very serious condition, and after nine days in the hospital was also charged with assault after being accused of throwing the first punch.
From The New Civil Rights Movement:

Early last month 14-year old Eric Martin was bullied and beaten by at least four Highland Springs High School classmates in Henrico, Virginia.
Now, police are charging Eric with two counts of assault because he supposedly threw the first punch. School officials refuse to allow him back into school until he signs a statement saying he threatened the school -- a charge he denies, and a charge for which the school has no proof.
Eric was hospitalized for nine days because of the brutal beating. Early reports stated "Eric's arm is possibly broken. He is suffering from a concussion, and doctors have placed him on brain rest." He was also reportedly "on suicide watch."
"When I try to call the school, and I try to get answers they just blow me off,"
Mary Martin, Eric's mother, told WWBT. "They don't want to talk to me." She says Eric has been called "gay" and a "faggot."
"Bullying is real," cried Martin. "And bullying can take your children away from here if you don't pay close attention."
"He's got bruises all down the spine of his back where he was just slammed on that table."
Martin says the injuries come after Eric got fed up with alleged bullying and decided to fight back.
"He admitted it to the police officer," said Martin. "He did hit him, but he has been bullied by these children the whole time."
"They want to charge my son. They started fussing with each other. It turned into a shoving match...which turned into a hospital stay."

note those who are charged or blamed all encompass the groups that the republican right wing hate on, doesn't matter the facts if one of theirs so to speak is involved in committing crimes of assault or even murder that person is not portrayed as the criminal.  I've noticed media like NBC/COMCAST and THE WASH. POST have all recently undergone political attitude changes through management and ownership the whole mantra has shifted to right wing leaning in political stories attitudes effecting them, both use the be more neutral or just a bit more liberal now they are like Fox and friends illegitimate cousins.  that restricts the news we get it is biased by silence or omission either one deprives us of honest and fair reporting. hey are still trying to blame Trayvon and Michael for the racist killers deeds. all this doe is prolong the situations ignoring them assures then to continually repeat themselves then again that's what those who engage want never ending bigotry and discrimination.

note these are teens babies are born with no state of mind blind to the ways of mankind so this is taught by those in their lives that supposedly are molding their minds.
  when law enforcement does this it reinforces the hate they are taught when not punished it becomes a privilege entitlement to violate those their mentors taught them to hate, trying to punish the victim for self defense also emboldens the attackers and can discourage the victim from resisting or reporting the bully you know like they do with women and rapist.