we now are at a place where we no longer can feel safe that what we read, see, or hear no longer reflects fair and balanced reporting but one sided racial leaning and not in favor of Blacks. are we not hearing about Hispanic crime their gangs because the right wing who seems to be dictating what we are exposed to in the name of truth, don't want to further demonize them because it's election time??? we no longer know which way is up because those entrusted as our navigators are apparently given orders by those who own such media.
Originally published in Tikkun Daily
On the eve of Michael Brown's funeral, a New York Times profile of the slain youth called him "no angel" and characterized Brown as troubled, citing his experimentation with rap as evidence. Vociferous criticism quickly followed, with the Times' public editor, Margaret Sullivan, finally admitting that the language used to describe Brown was regrettable.
Much of the criticism focused on how race played an implicit role in the vilification of Brown – how his blackness provoked descriptions white victims of violent crime rarely see – as is often the case in American media.
In a stunning display, Sean McElwee took that critique one step further by contrasting Brown's description not with those of other white victims of crime, but with a white perpetrator of violent crime, namely mass murderer Ted Bundy.
Below is a paragraph from the Times' profile of Brown published on August 24, 2014. It is preceded by evidence that the teenager who was gunned down by police, unarmed, was grappling with and deepening his spiritual beliefs.

Now, contrast the above characterization of Brown with that of mass murderer Ted Bundy in a profile published just after the State of Florida executed him on January 24, 1989. The paragraphs below were preceded by gruesome details of Bundy's lethal methodologies.
glaring lack of demonizing of a mass murderer and a kid shot dead by a racist cop, how discriminative is that. before they told us who killed this kid they tried to smear and influence potential jurors with his unworthiness, guess being a White serial killer ranks higher than a Black 18 yr old harassed and murdered by a racist White cop.
they think they can read us and apply labels but until they can see who we are really they will continue to murder get leave with pay get off by a jury of the murderers peers and back to work.
kill a Black kid get paid vacation and a parade, message from death states.