Saturday, September 27, 2014

Allen West Tells Military To Disobey Commander-In-Chief

Fox News contributor Allen West, who has previously called President Obama an "Islamist" with unclear "loyalties," is now calling on the military to ignore orders from its commander-in-chief.
The Military Timesreported that the Department of Defense will expand an existing program, Military Accessions Vital to National Interest (MAVNI), to allow recruiters "to target foreign nationals with high-demand skills, mostly rare foreign language expertise or specialized health care training." The program "is capped at 1,500 recruits per year. Officials say it's unclear how many of those might be unlawful DACA status immigrants as opposed to others who are also eligible for military service under MAVNI, including those with legal, nonpermanent visas such as students or tourists."
The Times noted that "the military recruits about 5,000 noncitizens each year, nearly all of them permanent U.S. residents, or so-called 'green card' holders. Starting in 2006, DoD began accepting some foreigners with nonpermanent visas, such as students or tourists, if they had special skills that are highly valued. After entering military service, foreigners are eligible for expedited U.S. citizenship. Since 2001, more than 92,000 foreign-born service members have become citizens while serving in uniform."
Fox's token self hating house "N" again rears his ugly mouth and anti American rhetoric  as the article says we recruit 5,000 noncitizens annually after his party decimated our military with it's wars and multiple deployments and refusal to help vets returning where did he think the future armies will come from?  also note it said special skills our new inductee's might not have and have to learn either on the job or in school time we are left under protected.

West, a retired Army Lt. Colonel whose service ended in controversy, reacted to the news on his Facebook page by writing that "Barack Hussein Obama took out his pen and ordered our Military to enlist illegal aliens. In other words, this charlatan has allowed those who have disrespected our Constitution and are not citizens to take an oath to support and defend the very document, our rule of law, of which they are in violation."
He added: "This is an illegal order and should not be followed by our Military."
this wannabe has no creditable voice he is a failure that our military and congress as egregious as they are also kicked him out his 15 mins has long been expired.

where is the credibility, why should we even listen to him???