and here he is back for a 3rd appearance as dumbest congressman
Since Rep. Steve King says that Central American families have been lured by U.S. policies to "give their daughters birth control pills and send them down a rape path all the way through Mexico, and it's a death path on the death train" to get to the United States, a more observant person than Steve King might wonder what is going on in some parts of Central America that would cause anyone to contemplate taking the "death train" that Steve King warns about.
According to fellow Congressional Three Stooges member Louie Gohmert, the answer is nothing. Those children aren't fleeing from anything, they're all are just filthy liars.
“Texas and the United States is [sic] being invaded and we’re in danger,” Gohmert said, before alleging that most of the unaccompanied minors are lying when they tell border patrol agents that they are escaping gang violence in Central America and have been coached to make such claims. Gohmert said minors end up telling officers that “we were told to say that we were fleeing gang violence.”
After pausing a moment to reflect again on this notion that the United States is facing existential danger from a bunch of children, I suppose we ought to point out to America's Dumbest Congressman—who was once an actual judge, for some Texas definition of "actual"—that we do have ways of checking these things. All of the children are interviewed to determine what their status is and whether their request for refugee status should be granted; I assure you, if there is a broad movement of filthy liar children who are not fleeing dangerous or violent situations but just felt like going down the "rape path" slash "death path" slash "death train" on a goddamn lark, we will ferret them out and toss them right back to their insufficiently dangerous or violent towns as Jesus and the Statue of Liberty both intended.
He likened the immigrant “invasion” to D-Day, warning that undocumented immigrants were responsible for over six hundred thousand crimes in Texas over the past five years, including thousands of homicides and sexual assaults.
you know I think we should just go with the author on this one the guy is an ignorant Texan who like a few we have recently discovered were judges who IMO really believes this crap why would someone who doesn't allow themselves to be convinced to go national with such nonsense forever on their permanent record. every case he ever heard should be recalled and retried he clearly had someone purchase his credentials because he can't expect us to believe his radical statements are from someone legitimate and respected.