Thomas Jefferson Portrait. Image Credit:
The GOP misquotes the founding fathers so often it almost seems like there’s a deliberate agenda to rewrite history and misrepresent the historical figures that they claim to so greatly admire.
When you hear one person after another, after another, repeating the same few made up quotes, it almost seems as if the GOP is testing the theory behind another falsely attributed quote:
“If you repeat a lie often enough, the people will come to believe it.”
That quote, which has often been attributed to Hitler’s propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, undoubtedly came from someone within Adolph Hitler’s administration. We know that the quote first originated in Nazi Germany. Yet, there’s no substantiated record that can accurately pinpoint its original author.
they do have a propensity to refer to all things Nazi when talking about Progressive leaders and policy.
1. “The government that governs least, governs best.”
The right wing has repeatedly and falsely attributed this quote to Thomas Jefferson. This false attribution has been circulated in memes on social media, repeated at political rallies, even spoken on the floor of federal and state houses across America, by right wing frauds, dim wits and perpetual liars.
2. “When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
Another quote falsely attributed to Thomas Jefferson, this false quote has been repeated over and over by all the right wing rock stars, Michelle Bachmann, Christine O’Donnell, Tim Walberg, Michael Steele, Austin Scott, the list goes on and on.
3. “Most bad government is the result of too much government.”
Thomas Jefferson also did not say this. This quote has been circulated by GOP hacks like Alan West and Joe Scarborough. West himself wrote an entire book that was so full of erroneous founding father quotes it made headlines for its stunning lack of historical accuracy.
just a few now you get the idea my fear their base will still run and vote no matter how big a liar they are exposed to be doesn't matter all that matters is the Black guy with big ears in the WH, who will be gone, then they will have to bring that war on women to the front if Hilary runs and wins. and the hate goes on.