Now to a bipartisan effort on Capitol Hill to try to reform the nation’s criminal justice system.
Two freshman senators, a political odd couple, Democrat Cory Booker of New Jersey and Republican Rand Paul of Kentucky, have introduced legislation called the REDEEM Act that would make it easier for juveniles who commit nonviolent crimes to expunge or seal those convictions from their records, lift the federal ban on food stamps and welfare benefits for low-level drug offenders, offer incentives to states that currently try juveniles as adults to encourage them to raise the age to 18, and ban solitary confinement for children, except in the most dangerous cases.
sorry but I just can't buy Rand Paul's actions of late, this pursuit of the Black vote for republicans is a bone throw first his party is not really chastising him for colluding with the other side this was initially a Pres.'s plan and objected to by the republicans with until now none of them have said anything different. if he does this will the party support him or will they stay true to form and block it? t
this is not the first time he's tried to convince Black voters whom his party is doing all it can to suppress their vote, sounds like a conflict of interest or a plan by the republicans to fool voters into thinking they have changed their attitudes but if this is implemented won't it affect their privatizing agenda?
as for Booker he's trying to make his bones this would be a good place if those who oppose don't change horses in the middle of the stream. if Rand shows his true colors how bad will it look for Booker, Paul we would expect no less from him and the party.