In his press conference Friday, President Obama was direct but measured in his reaction to the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.
Mr. Obama described it as an “outrage of unspeakable proportions,” and he noted that pro-Russia separatists in Ukraine can’t shoot down large aircraft at high altitude “without sophisticated equipment and sophisticated training, and that is coming from Russia.”
But he was careful not to get ahead of what’s provably known or of suggesting any US action in response other than “investigating exactly what happened and putting forward the facts.”
this is a PRESIDENT not a republican wannabe who seem to think it's good for them to second guess without the intel he has and that their solutions which is always blood and money are better. we see what happens to them when they jump out in front of a situation unarmed of facts and offer what's wrong with Pres.'s plan and not offering anything short of more wars. (BENGHAZI)
the republicans again have half the people thinking it's a failure to think before you jump but those same people don't want more wars while supporting republicarhetoric for more wars, concentrate on?
G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on".
what sickens me more is some voters are willing to go on that wild ride while all that Bush's wars have done, these are not Obama's wars they are Cheyney, Bush wars and the responsible thing to do is to calculate your moves engage in diplomacy not trying to start a potential nuclear war with Russia, that is the republican plan.
any supplying of weapons to Ukraine while Russia is supplying the other side with the same is tantamount to our engaging Russia. we both have nukes with republican saber waving and Putin's mine is bigger then yours mentality how long before being surrogates for war becomes principles at war?