I've long felt the latest incarnation of conservatism should be called out for what it is....a radical experiment. Yeah, they try to wrap themselves in a historical context wearing those stupid tricorn hats and antebellum garb, groping at the Boston tea party history like drunks after a busty bar maid....but it's all just for show. The recent brand of conservatism is an extreme experiment and the American People are the lab rats in some Ayn Randian dystopian social experiment known as "Privatize Everything".... because while conservatives prance around with the American flag, America and the States are somehow, inexplicably inherently incompetent at absolutely everything.
So how's this social experiment working out?
Well...the currently and unprecedentedly deep red Michigan government saw fit to privatize the prison food system, shelling out millions in taxpayer dollars to Aramark, a private food, facility, and uniform services. And what did we end up with? Maggots in the meat. Untrained staff who can't keep track of steel kitchen equipment, and who consort with the inmates bringing in all sorts of contraban from drugs to left out, filthy kitchens, staffing shortages, and SIXTY FIVE instances where the prisons RAN OUT OF FOOD because apparently Aramark executives are too busy cramming their pockets with tax payer money to know.....DO THEIR JOBS.
privatization is one of those right wing things that republicans refer to when they say gov't and to many regulations prevent business from flourishing, well we see now that there is a desperate need for those agencies that protect us from those privatized freedoms. this is not a Democratic endeavor it's republican through and through. with the practices they employ now they are flourishing and their regulation of unfit living conditions, tainted food is being imposed on those who are unfortunately a resident.
if we allow this privatizing to continue it will end up in your kids lunch room, they've been trying to privatize all public schools for years if we don't show up and vote them out Nov. 4th and 2016 pray for your family member who might be incarcerated and double down on those prayers for your school age kids. recognize