Sunday, July 20, 2014

IRS gives full account of lost Lerner emails

Lois Lerner is pictured. | AP Photo

The IRS declared under oath and penalty of perjury on Friday that Lois Lerner’s hard drive is irrecoverable after being wiped clean by tech staff and recycled with an outside contractor, according to a court filing.
Although an outside company was able to identify the serial number for the computer, the hard drive was wiped clean or “degaussed” and then recycled after several attempts to recover the data by IRS tech personnel, including a career forensic specialist with 25 years worth of experience.
The defense is the first full account from the IRS of what happened to Lerner’s crashed hard drive before a court rather than a panel of lawmakers in response to a tea party group suing the agency. Revelation of lost emails of the former IRS official at the center of the tea party controversy has re-energized critics who accuse the agency and Lerner of hindering their probes.

you know why the right wing is so gung ho on proving their homemade lies the can't dismiss their decision that this admin is lying, the larceny lies in their hearts they do it because they believe it so any other entity has to be doing it because they are, one thing a guilty mind never perceives is that
"he who knows no evil suspects none, while he who does see's it everywhere".  like when they are called on their misgivings instead of denial they say "the other side does it too"  but they can never supply documented proof as can be done with the accusation of theirs.

“To the best of my knowledge and according to discussions between the IT personnel involved, and as a result of the lack of tracking capability of component parts in the [IRS] IT inventory control system, when the hard drive was …batched with other damaged or obsolete miscellaneous equipment, it became impossible to specifically identity the hard drive through any [IRS] equipment inventory system,” wrote Manning in a document filed with the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia late Friday afternoon.
Also filed was a declaration by an official with the IRS watchdog, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, on its probe and the expertise of those examining the missing emails.

that will not stop the burning of millions of taxpayer money by republicans because they are doing or have done it so to lessen their guilt, so is everybody else.