A lovely Hobby Lobby visitor snapped this today... Sharing the #HobbyLobbyLove
— @BrettDewey
America's most prominent teen mom and walking demonstration of the failure of conservative abstinence notions Bristol Palin knows just how to say thank you to Hobby Lobby for protecting their employees from the fires of hell. (Well, or at least making sure the company gets to save a few bucks—the premise is still a bit fuzzy.) With a hashtag, of course! And so today marks Palin's announced #HobbyLobbyLove day, a day that sounds pornographic but is in fact merely a day to take pictures of yourself buying cheap imported crap from a company that puts the womenfolk in their proper place.
But much like abstinence education, Twitter hashtags often do not work out quite as conservatives plan they might. #HobbyLobbyLove is having a rough go of it.
— @VolcanoGirl75
— @Any_Everyman
< /3>— @the_vegkat
wow guess they need to hire Reince Preibus to autopsy their win in the court and direct their image of participating in the republican war on women. not all potential customers see it as a victory, so does that mean potentials are possibly now, hell no's?