Monday, July 7, 2014

Hobby Lobby wanted to block Doctors from even Talking to you about Contraception
Hobby Lobby: Self-Respecting Rednecks Pay for Own Condoms | James ...

The thing that I keep hearing from people who support the Hobby Lobby decision tends to be things like "Well, you don't have to work there" and that "Can't you afford $9/Month to buy your own Pills?" but the thing they don't seem to realize is that Hobby Lobby wasn't just trying to avoid paying for Birth Control methods they considered to be "abortiafacient" - they wanted to block them from being able to Consult with their Doctor about them.
Arguments in front of the Supreme Court start next week in the Hobby Lobby case. Hobby Lobby is suing for a religious exemption from the Department of Health and Human Services mandate requiring that employer-provided health insurance cover contraception. Most of the coverage of the case has focused on Hobby Lobby's objection to the contraception itself and how, if the business prevails, its employees will have to pay out of pocket for things like birth control pills or IUDs.  
But, as Tara Culp-Ressler at ThinkProgress explained on Wednesday, Hobby Lobby and their co-plaintiff, Conestoga Wood Specialties, are also objecting to insurance plans covering "related education and counseling" for contraception. In other words, these for-profit businesses aren't just asking their female employees to pay for their own contraception, even though they are already paying for their own contraception by paying for their insurance coverage. These companies want to elbow their way into doctor's offices and call the shots on what doctors can and cannot say to Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood employees.
And that my friends, now the Supreme Court has held in favor of Hobby Lobby is an entirely different kettle of Gefilte Fish than we've been told so far.
as usual those who oppose what is right are under informed and half cocked with their argument in short they are arguing the rhetoric not their true feelings and how many of them find out that they are in the jackpot they have been fighting against?  don't you think they are going to far to claim a religious exemption when they are literally usurping your insurance and telling them how to treat you while denying you, you also need to ask are the insurers listening to hobby lobby??