Monday, July 7, 2014

George Takei's blistering response to #HobbyLobby: Could a Muslim Corp impose Sharia Law?

Some people just know how to say it, so I'm gonna shut up and let the former Mr. Sulu do so.
"The ruling elevates the rights of a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION over those of its women employees and opens the door to all manner of claims that a company can refuse services based on its owner’s religion,” Takei wrote. (O)ne wonders,” he said, “whether the case would have come out differently if a Muslim-run chain business attempted to impose Sharia law on its employees.
“Hobby Lobby is not a church. It’s a business — and a big one at that,” he continued. “Businesses must and should be required to comply with neutrally crafted laws of general applicability. Your boss should not have a say over your healthcare. Once the law starts permitting exceptions based on ‘sincerely held religious beliefs’ there’s no end to the mischief and discrimination that will ensue.Indeed, this is the same logic that certain restaurants and hotels have been trying to deploy to allow proprietors to refuse service to gay couples.
I fail to see how it turned into a split vote with the right wing side defending the right wing which is less than half of the country.  a vote for the people is not suppose to guarantee big business it's way it's suppose to dispense fair and just decisions, regardless to what could be as far as women getting  contraception it does the same as citizens united who let anybody bid on our country this allows any owner who wants to deny or control or save a buck to do so regardless to legitimacy of their claim, that is high court looking out for high business not the people.