As expected, a three-judge panel on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has voted by a two-to-one margin to defund Obamacare in states which did not set up their own health insurance exchanges. At issue is whether Obamacare allows subsidies in federally-established exchanges.
According to the plaintiffs in Halbig v. Burwell, Obamacare does not allow subsides in federally-established exchanges because the provision authorizing subsidies on exchanges defines subsidies as entities "established by the state" in which the exchange operates. The ruling is an absurdly narrow interpretation of the law, and will be immediately appealed to the full circuit court.
this is political jibber jabber the main story here is why is the republican party and some courts find it so reprehensible to support health care for Americans they took vows to protect and insure justice. why is it a problem it can't be money look at the millions spent trying to kill it and Issa's millions wasted on witch hunts how many families could have been subsidized with all the wasted tax payer money by the party of "FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY"???
If it were to be upheld, it would essentially destroy Obamacare in most of the country, but based on the merits of the case, it should overturned when it goes before the full court. Even if it isn't overturned, the case could still be appealed to the Supreme Court, so while the anti-Obamacare ruling might make for a banner day for Fox News, there's nothing conclusive about it.
even if this is true why all the drama the law has been deemed legal by the big court but since it's republican leaning they could reverse themselves in order to appease the right wing that gave them such a cushy job for life. we see what they have done so far, well check this out next Pres. will probably appoint two more to the court who do you want doing that republicans or the party that has always had your interest at heart and action?