There's a predictable but bizarre reaction from Republicans with penises (and a few without) to the backlash against the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision: only sluts and whores use birth control. The obvious conclusion is that these guys aren't getting much in the way of action if they don't think women should get to have sex for fun. Or they're only getting it when they pay for it.
or from some of their comments when they rape it.
"Pregnancy is something that you have to do to cause. ... Yet we treat it as a great imposition that women need to be protected from. It's a sickness, it's a disease, it's whatever, and there's gotta be a pill for it," [Rush Limbaugh] said on his show. "Yet they wouldn't have the problem if they didn't do a certain thing. It's that simple." […]
Sean Hannity wondered about the liberal "obsession with birth control" on his radio show Monday, and basically told women to just go get condoms.
"I was in the drugstore the other day, and guess what? There’s a whole section of birth control. Go buy it!" he said. "You can get a condom in a New York bar for free. As a matter of fact, you can take a handful."
statements like this prompted my previous response they lay it at the feet of the women, with no responsibility for men yet they are out their closing birth control clinics , denying workplace contraception, putting your boss between you and your Dr., no pre natal without the money and no help after birth money or not, the hypocrisy drips from their lips. in their right wing flippant way they expose themselves as the indifferent "not my problem" party of stupider than thou. and I again admonish women on the right wing that defend this ideology/ideology with smiles on their face spewing the ugliness.