Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Humanitarian Left


the humanitarian treatment of patients received great impetus from the ...

after reading this I feel I could have been the author, hats off to you.

I think of myself as being part of the humanitarian left. That's not a formal thing (afaik). I'm not an ideologue, a dedicated Marxist or committed socialist (though I do lean that way). I just come down on the left side of things because that's where one finds compassion, charity, kindness, altruism, etc.- all those things that I perceive to be the best of which we are capable.
 I define myself as a leftist in opposition to what one finds on the right: selfishness, greed, profits over people, authoritarian meanness, police-state regulation of the powerless and lawlessness for the rich and powerful. It's easy to be selfish and mean, perhaps that's why so many people are. It's much harder, and more laudatory in my view, to be a humanitarian. After all, what does the world need more of? Mean, selfish, greedy assholes? Or humanitarians? I think the answer is obvious.

Like I say, I'm no communist but my sympathies definitely lie with:
The unemployed
The under-employed
The under-paid
The unfortunate
The downtrodden
The oppressed
The imprisoned
The homeless
The discriminated against
The suffering masses
If that makes me a commie in your book, so be it. What I think I am is a humanitarian.

what's on your list of what you are for?  life really is simplistic we make it hard and in a country of false freedoms we make it impossible, who are we should we be at war with ourselves we seem to be what's killing us from within causing some to die without.  some want cooperation and compromise so we all get a piece, others want it all and shafts those who carry the water for them while they think they are fighting the good fight but against who, their fellow Americans. 

TIME FOR SOME AMERICA FIXING,  mid east are grown they can continue their millenniums of war and all die off but do we follow just to claim the head of the class while we fail miserably at home economics??  consider your vote.