more right wing side of the court standing up for a few who claim religious freedom but support those projects that hurt Americans more of the same your only friends are not on that side of the fence this is letting a company have rights meant for people with a pulse not a stock exchange ticker.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote a blistering dissent opposing the conservative majority's decision to let small, private companies refuse to pay for health insurance that covers birth control.
In a dissent that was partly joined by the court's three other liberal justices, Ginsburg warned the court's decision to strike down the contraception coverage requirement under President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act is "bound to have untoward effects."
Ginsburg took particular issue with the conservative justices' decision that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) could apply to private companies. The goal of that statute is aimed at stopping laws that burden a person's First Amendment right to practice their religion.
there is no such attempt to burden them, just to do the right thing for their employees. they chose selfishness and discrimination real Christian traits????