Conservative sensitivity at its finest, courtesy of Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher. Speaking in a time of great tragedy, Wurzelbacher's only response to a grieving father discussing his son's right to live is that the be all and end all is the right of Americans to be armed to the teeth without any regulation.
There is a time, a place and a manner for such discussions. He could easily wait several days. He could just as easily frame his ideas in less crass terms. He could choose to use words that will not rub salt in open wounds. He decided not to engage in such behavior, which, unfortunately, is nothing new for him.
This kind of absolutism disturbs those of us that see shades of gray. Not everyone that favors sensible gun regulations seeks to take away each and every gun from each and every law-abiding citizen. Not everyone that believes in the right to bear arms is someone that opposes sensible gun regulations. Wurzelbacher, and those like him, fail to recognize the former and are most certainly not the latter.
this is McCAIN'S BOY THE REPUBLICAN WANNABE JOE TE PLUMBER just he was a plumber he was a wannabe that too. and now he's going all out trying to get some brownie points with the tea people and the rest of the republican gun fanatics who will dismiss this abominable statement of apathy toward our kids who will not grow up and be leaders or God forbid them.
tose of us who actually believe a child's worth is a no brainer but we also no republicans are terrible at math none the less i can envision the crowd cheering when he chose gun abuse over our future Americans. this is the types they attract only to lose in gen elections because most of us don't see through dyslexic eyes he has a reverse opinion to humanity guns over people.