On Sunday, George Stephanopoulos, of ABC's This Week, interviewed Governor Jerry Brown on the more than 1,500 wildfires in California in 2014, during which Brown asserted that they were caused, in part by global warming, and that the challenge of reducing our fossil fuel burning will be more difficult because "virtually no Republican who accepts the science that virtually is unanimous."
PolitiFact decides to fact check Governor Browm's claim in "Virtually no Republican" in Washington accepts climate change science. and found it to be "Mostly True," which is not surprising. Is it not time to push this issue to the the next step and ask what are the implications for America's economy, labor force, culture, and national security if mainstream Republicans can not push back on what I believe is actually a minority of their base who really does not believe in science, stand up and stop this silliness before the damage is irreversible?
"That's a challenge," Brown said. "It is true that there's virtually no Republican who accepts the science that virtually is unanimous. I mean there is no scientific question. There's just political denial for various reasons, best known to those people who are in denial."
Noting that Republicans are less likely than Democrats and independents to believe humans cause global warming, and tea party are the least likely of all groups to accept science PolitiFact was only able to find 8 our of 278 Republican congressmen who will admit to believingg in the science of climate change.
Rep. Michael Grimm, (R-N.Y.), Sen. Susan Collins, (R-MN), Sen. Lamar Alexander, (R-TN),Sen. Mark Kirk,( R-IL), Rep. Chris Smith, (R-N.J), Sen. Bob Corker, (R-TN), Sen. John Thune, (R-S.D.), Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, (R-N.J.)
South Carolina Rep. Bob Inglis believe his loss to tea party challenger Trey Gowdy. Inglis was at least partially due to his belief in climate science.
The Secret Confessions
Although they have lost several primaries, the tea party has been successful in polarizing American politics and pulling the political spectrum to the right by intimidating many moderate Republican from being willing to even admit in public that they believe in science! Many will not even discuss related issues like global warming in public.
this is what it's all about and i'm sticking to it if republicans allow their people to admit or talk about climate change they would open the doors to regulation of fossil fuel business big oil, big coal, and the fracking business, republicans want them to pay nothing to poison our air, water ans soil, so this is a puff of smoke in our faces and the blaming of gov't for curtailing their efforts to shortcut is misdirection of really bad magicians.
Innovation, entrepreneurs, and new businesses will increasingly come from other countries where science, education, and intelligence are admired, respected, nurtured, and promoted.
So here's a national security threat for you. "Republican science denial - the clear and present danger to our national security."
Mainstream Republicans Should Take a Stand and Repudiate Science Denialism
Last week, Bill Briggs of NBC News reported a group of 16 retired three and four star generals and admirals echoed the findings of the IPCC that global warming and climate are here now, but they add the additional warning that global warming represents a national security to the U.S. as well as to the security and stability of other nations of the world.
Please follow the link here, or check my archives from about a week ago for my synopsis.Four-Star Warning: Generals Dub Climate Change a Security Risk, and calling it “a catalyst for conflict” for the "increasingly decentralized power structures around the world."
US behind by double digits because of the republican denial to enhance their purses and keep their status quo.