Wednesday, May 21, 2014

In surprising twist, Mitch McConnell calls for his own retirement

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who appears headed to victory in tomorrow's GOP primary as he seeks to extend his 30-year career in the U.S. Senate, may want to rethink this campaign pitch:
"If you want to change America, the first step is to change the Senate," McConnell said.
Given the amount of legislation that has been bottled up the GOP's abuse of the Senate's arcane rules, I can't really disagree with Mitch. And if you want to change the Senate, getting rid of him would be a pretty good place to start. 

he talks of bringing power back to Kentucky where was it last 5 years?  oh yeah stuck in the muck and mire of republican obstruction, he said a vote for his opponent was a vote for ObamaCares and that's a bad thing??  if there ever was a time to take a republican at his word it's this let's make him a truther with no more terms.
30+ years and they are beholding to the Pres. for health care and him for joblessness nd stalled economy, i would think it a no brainer who was on your side, but turtles are known to be incredibly slowww.