Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Fox News Fawns Over NRA's Millennial Messenger Colion Noir

Fox News promoted Colion Noir, the host of a new National Rifle Association web series that aims to promote guns to young people, with a fawning interview.
Noir's new program, which largely regurgitates NRA talking points for a millennial audience, has been widely mocked as what Gawker's Adam Weinstein terms "hilariously bad poser garbage."
In a May 20 interview on Fox & Friends, Elisabeth Hasselbeck termed Noir "really passionate," asking him "where does this come for you, the passion for the Second Amendment?" She offered up softball questions such as "will they succeed in silencing you, your critics?" Hasselbeck concluded the interview by promising, "we will continue to check you out there and all that you have to say with regard to our constitutional rights."

is it me or did she just issue a not so subtle warning that "we are at the other end of that microscope, go off script and go off the air" sounded like a warning shot across the bow.  buying Black people to promote things that are a death knell to them and their people is not selling anyone of color we see it as selling out to the right wing agenda i understand the money but there needs to be consideration for what and who you are doing it for and to it's called self respect.  yep he's one of them don't expect a "guess who's coming to dinner" moment.