Thursday, May 22, 2014

Fox Can't Think Of One Republican Who Wants To Take Away The Right To Vote

Fox host Steve Doocy couldn't think of one Republican "who wants to take away the right to vote," despite the frenzy of GOP-led states passing voting restriction laws and the acknowledgement of a Republican politician that the efforts are aimed to win elections.
On May 21, Fox & Friends jumped on former DNC chairman Howard Dean for reportedly stating at a campaign event in Colorado that Republicans are "not American" because they "think it's OK to win by taking away the right to vote." To co-host Steve Doocy, Dean's remarks amounted to a "new low," because no Republican "wants to take away the right to vote":DOOCY:  Excuse me, Dr. Howard Dean. Name one Republican who wants to take away the right to vote.
 There are Republicans who view that, you know, you should be qualified to have the vote. Only those who are registered and legitimately can vote, those are the ones who should vote. But take away the right to vote? I don't know anybody who's up to that standard.
usual suspects again "the greatest thing the devil has done was to convince people he didn't exist" lie, deny all they want but the voters they are suppressing would take umbrage with them, and even more egregious then them at FOX those 5 right wing justices on the SCOTUS  they've handed down decision that help perpetuate abuses of American's rights by those who are selling their part of the gov't and trample other American's rights to vote ad have fair and honest elections, they have failed us deliberately that is not excusable

they are like the kids who ate the chocolate and said they didn't but the chocolate all over their hands and  mouths revealed their lie.