Glenn Beck rants about Obamacare, the media and other imaginary boogeymen. Then he ignores them. Then rants again. Is he schizophrenic or something?
Image captured from video
Image captured from video
The announcement last week that 7.1 million Americans have signed up for Obamacare didn’t sit well with the right. From John Boehner’s complete disconnect to Anne Coulter’s “pants on fire” lies about her friend (for the sole purpose of discrediting the ACA), the right is frantically trying to negate the good news. But Glenn Beck apparently thinks those reactions are too subtle…
Glenn Beck freaks out
On his TV/radio show last week, Beck had a meltdown worthy of a diva ( though I’d call him more of a devo). He metaphorically stomped his feet as he fumed about how the 7.1 million figure had to have been made up. Not only that, but the “rat bastards” in the media don’t ever call the President out on his “lies.” Because we all know how much the “liberal media” hates to call Obama out on anything. Damn, Glenn, don’t you even watch your old network anymore?
we are all aware of this ham of an actor who has told those who follow him "if you believe what i say you're a idiot", so like the rest he disqualifies himself by his own words. the gy who Fox Fired is still someone who needs to fire himself from his own faux network, and those who make him richer while they stay poorer really are idiots, rebels without a cause.
To hear Glenn Beck talk, you’d think that the President had ordered all conservatives rounded up and forced medical care on them:
“This guy, you put him in a military uniform, I’m not kidding you, you put him on a balcony in a military uniform, this guy is a full-fledged dictator…. He’s a sociopath! He’s sociopathic!”
A dictator? Oh, Glenn. Don’t you own a dictionary? Or a good history book? For someone who claims to be a historian, you sure know very little about history. Actual dictators don’t have a Congress to bully and stymie them at every turn. If President Obama was actually a dictator, you wouldn’t be on the air anymore. But, there you are, howling about how awful it is that your fellow Americans now have medical insurance. We know you’d be happier if everyone either went bankrupt or died if they were struck with catastrophic illness. What a good Christian you are.
Has Glenn Beck lost it completely?
Beck spent about an hour jabbering about President Obama and the “liberal media” and how they were conspiring to drive him crazy or something. Even the Republicans are helping! If they are all colluding to drive Glenn Beck nuts, they’ve done a good job of it. But look what they started with. No matter. Beck concluded that he would not give his enemies any more attention. Oh no, they weren’t going to have Glenn Beck to kick around anymore. He’s just not going to pay attention to them, so there!
does that really sound like a person who's even has a mind let alone a state of one?“I am not going to waste my life! I have a right to pursue my happiness, I have a right to do what I was born to do!” He then concluded, “My state of mind is great.”