Monday, March 10, 2014

The GOP Doesn't Just Have a Woman Problem, it Doesn't Understand Women

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 Carly Fiorina, former California GOP senate challenger to Barbara Boxer, emerged at the Conservative Political Action Conference here as the speaker most willing to engage the Republicans' persistent problems with appealing to women. Well, after she spent the first half of her speech denying climate change. Priorities!
Fiorina didn't offer a solution, but she did offer some great slogans: "I am a proud pro-life woman. ... I believe science is proving us right everyday!" (Hey, don't knock junk science until you've tried it, right?) She also echoed a feminist line when she said, "All issues are women's issues."
I like that line. I've used it myself. But, to judge by the speakers at CPAC this weekend, what she means is, "There's a woman's angle to every issue."
You know, ladies care about health care because we have babies! (Especially when we don't have a choice.) Women care about guns because how else will we defend ourselves! (I fear for the woman who told the audience that she sleeps with a "loaded gun next to my bed and I've never felt safer".
But when feminists talk about every issue being a women's issue, we're not talking about finding a way to make a specific policy agenda appeal to women.
What most feminists mean by that is "There's a larger economic or policy angle to every issue dismissed as 'women's'."
 now there is a truth to last sentence but sorely missing the fact that most women aren't stupid or believe that forever the republicans haveheld this treatment of women as one of their "PRINCIPLES" formerly known as "VALUES",
that they would change because they finally except it bis no longer working, yes they've known from day one it was a losing stance but they got a pretty good run out of it and their women still stand behind them in their prejudicial chauvinistic views. not a chance and like i said everyday another whack a mole pops up with the real principles.
The leaders of the GOP just can't comprehend that women's circumstances – decades of discrimination against them – might mean that policies, or the lack of policies, which seem perfectly fair to "everyone else" (white men, basically) have a different impact on them.
Gender is not allowed to be a special category, right next to race and sexuality, when it comes to constructing policy. Gender only matters in how you sell a policy, not in how it actually plays out.
And the women at CPAC? They're so invested in being ladies, they don't even talk like women. They can't admit that they're denied anything, so they can't ask anything.
This attitude emerged the most awkwardly during the panel "Why conservatism is right for women", which might have been better cast as "why women are right for conservatism". The arguments weren't about what the GOP has to offer women so much as what stereotypically feminine traits should make them conservative.
nothing on that side has changed but a couple of words that are synonymous to the replaced word leaving everything neatly in place and they accomplish a change of word but keep the "PRINCIPLES" formerly known as "VALUES" their real problem all roads lead back to that.