Sunday, March 16, 2014

Reince Priebus 'commends' Paul Ryan for blaming poverty on 'inner cities'

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Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Sunday explained that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) had recently blamed poverty on "inner cities" because he was working hard to help those communities.
In an interview with conservative radio host Bill Bennett last week, Ryan quoted the work of Charles Murray, a white nationalist, who has used “racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority,”according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
"We have got this tailspin of culture in our inner cities in particular of men not working, and just generations of men not even thinking about working and learning the value and culture of work,” Ryan opined. “So, there’s a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with.”
The Wisconsin Republican later admitted that his comments were "inarticulate."
On Sunday, CNN's Candy Crowley asked Priebus if he thought the remarks were "artfully phrased."
"I'm not sure," Priebus shrugged. "Here's what I would say, why was Paul even talking about this? The reason he was talking about it is he devoted a large part of his life -- starting back when he worked for Jack Kemp -- on finding ways to tackle poverty, to free up capital, to create opportunities in urban areas around this country."
"Whatever race, whatever gender, we are the ones leading the way, I think, in this country on these issues," he added. "And so I commend Paul for his work that he's doing around country."
the guy with the funny name makes funny statements of lies and innuendo, his thought blame it on anybody but us, but republican politics created this tailspin in our culture.
decades of political maneuvering has brought us to this place in our lives we did not buy a ticket or thumb a ride we were forcefully assisted. and imposed upon those who saw us as 3/5ths of a human, decades later though many have taken another view not enough of them or us make some noise.  
he did in 2008 but then we turned against him we allowed without a fight let them demean and vilify him his record speaks to death ears on both sides most don't know and are busy putting him down they have recreated the mind set of slavery and we fell in line and did not back the first Black Pres., his admin too falls way short of support,
people running for another go at having to do nothing for good pay, if the indifference wins out we are in for 3 more years of the same courtesy of the party of "no way will he help him help you", if you care be there Nov. 4th if you don't care at least take responsibility for what you would be complicit to when your grand kids ask why?