According to some, the Oscar-winning animated kids’ film Frozen is not the charming, comedic musical critics have universally praised, but rather Hollywood's latest sinister venture in gay propaganda. Moreover, Disney's latest blockbuster, based on a Hans Christian Anderson story, is not an isolated assault on the civilized world's core principle of heterosexuality, but one of the countless (10, if we’re counting) examples of seemingly child-friendly cultural and social entities that are actually gay conversion tools. Let's take a look at the dangers the Christian Right has alerted us to.
1. Frozen: Let it go gay. Let’s start with the most recent discovery. The gay agenda was spotted by Kathryn Skaggs, who blogs at A Well Behaved Mormon Woman. What makes Skaggs’ investigation so brave, besides the righteous headline, “'Frozen': Not Gonna Let It Go When Movie Advocates Gay Agenda,” is that Skaggs actually enjoyed the film. So, it wasn’t easy for her to write about how “the gay agenda to normalize homosexuality is woven into....Frozen not just as an underlying message—it is the movie.”In her post of over 4,000 words, Skaggs fails to actually prove her point, but she does make creative leaps. She writes that “Elsa has a great power that
she has been taught by her parents from the time she was a child, is not publicly acceptable and that she must fear its expression, at all cost, thus hide it from people, even her own sister who could be hurt by it—even killed. Shame is at the core of Elsa's feelings about her magical powers: same-sex attraction.”if you are a fanatic and look not even hard you will find that which fulfills your madness but only to you.
2. Hot for Harry Potter. If only Frozen were the only kids' entertainment attempting to turn your kids gay. But, alas, Harry Potter was making gay cool long before Frozen was even a twinkle in Satan's eye. Now, you probably already know that the books, written by J.K. Rowlings, were pro-satanic and advocated all sorts of witchcraft. But you may have missed that’s it’s also propaGAYnda. Though the gays are notoriously sneaky in their messaging—one of the many things that make them so dangerous—the Harry Potter campaign was unique because author J.K. Rowling was atypically straightforward and honest when she officially announced"Dumbledore is gay."all this kind of negative review give the picture a boost at the box office, i heard all kinds of ignorance as these about Noah and it topped the list at 44 million. wonder are these things planned or just a luck happening?